Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The diet starts today. I have got to lose weight and it's starting now. Not tomorrow, not on Monday but right now. I have been watching all my close get tighter and tighter. I used to say smaller and smaller but the only thing that's getting smaller is the amount of room in my pants. I am going on a major lifestyle change as of this moment.

What prompted this? Well, I was out of breath just mopping my floor. What is going on? I remember the day when I could run a mile? Today, I don't even want to look a mile down the road. I have got to do something. No more sodas either, only water.

Time for bed, I've had a rough day. I saw a man hit by a big rig today and the aftermath wasn't pretty.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9-11 and what I'm grateful for

It's 8 years to the day of the horrifying attacks that changed our world forever. This September 11th I am grateful for so much and thought it fitting to write about that today as I reflect on the events that make this day historic. I am greatful that I have the support of friends and family who are there whenever I need them. I am grateful that my niece who was born under 2 pounds in July is fairing well today and breathing on her own and will be home in a few weeks.

I am still grateful for the men and women of the armed services who are fighting on the front lines against terrorism so that we may continue to savor the fruits of freedom we sometimes take for granted. The freedoms that include us being able to speak freely on matters whether or not we agree with them. The freedom to not only challenge but question authority (although that doesn't include disrespecting the President during a speech to Congress...shame on you Joe Wilson). I am grateful that America and the world have not forgotten the horrible events of September 11, 2001 and that we still recognize the need to stop the evil that threaten these freedoms we hold dear.

I know I joke around about being grateful for purses, money, shoes and all sorts of material things on this September 11, 2009 (and everyday) more than anything...I am most grateful to be alive.