So, way back in January I resolved to blog more often. Add that to the fail list! Now it's almost the end of the freakin' summer and I've barely posted anything all year but I regularly update my twitter, but I guess that doesn't really count. I have not been posting regularly but I've decided I'm going to now since I've embarked on my latest and what I hope will be final weight loss venture. I plan to chronicle this tremendous anticipated weight loss on this blog and on a vlog (to be named at a later date).
Well, my birthday is just around the corner and my plans were to attend the Saints vs Raiders game on August 28th since it's in Cali. Fabulous - I know. How lucky would I be to have my hometown and favorite team coming to California the weekend of my birthday? Pretty damned lucky. It turns out that the saints are going to be practicing a quick 90 minute drive away in Oxnard the entire week. So you know who's going to be there. Yep, bitches -ME!
I can't wait to see Drew Brees and the rest of the Saints. This is going to be one of the best birthday weeks ever. I just love, love, love them. Anyhow, this is going to be a pretty short post and I'm wrapping this bad boy up right here.
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