Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dorothy Irene Height (March 24, 1912 – April 20, 2010)

Today was the funeral of Dr. Dorothy Height and I cried during every minute of it. She was a pioneer of the Civil Rights and Women’s Rights movements. She was fierce, stylish, classy and intelligent. She was fearless, a leader, a soldier and a voice for those who couldn’t speak up for themselves. She was everything I wanted to be.

I remember (and shall never forget) the first time I met Dr. Height, I was a freshman at Howard University and we were both attending the same event. I was introduced to her and this woman whom I had learned about in US History and seen on TV donning some of the baddest hats ever simply said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, you’re adorable”, I was speechless, I shook her hand and mumbled something to which she replied, “Honey, speak up I can’t hear you”. We talked for about 10 minutes and headed to our respective tables. I would see her many times over the next couple of years and she always remember who I was and she always had on a different hat. She was always encouraging and asked me how school was going. Dr. Height wasn’t one of those people who pretended to care how you were doing she actually cared.

She would share her stories of the Civil Rights movement and always stress the importance of women, especially Black women, to carry themselves with dignity and grace – always! She spoke of the importance of education and how it should be accessible to everyone regardless of race and social standing. When I was in DC for the inauguration of President Obama it warmed my heart to see Dr. Height sitting there, she was a big part of what went on that day long before Barack Obama was even born. Her life was lived in service of others; she was always doing her part to make things better for the next generation.

She received every civilian honor imaginable and countless honorary degrees and where most people would have been haughty and snobbish she was always humble and classy. Dorothy Height was phenomenal, she was fabulous, she was caring and compassion. She was loved and will be missed.

No hat she ever wore on earth can compare to the crown she received when she made it to Heaven.

Dr. Height's funeral service is available for viewing online here.

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