Monday, June 11, 2012

Unseasonal People

On June 4, 2012 I received a message and that message was "God may not JUST be removing someone from your life….He might be removing you from theirs, too". When I read that message it stuck with me, by stuck I mean I couldn't get it out of my head.  I’ve always prided myself on trying to be the best version of me. I was raised that way. We are firm believers that no matter what you decide to do with your life, the most important thing is to be the best at what you’re doing. They’ve taught me to give 100%, they also taught me not to settle for mediocrity from myself or others.  In recent weeks I’ve been thinking about that, settling for mediocrity bit. I found out that I had been doing exactly that in one particular aspect of my life. Friendships. I was letting people in my life that did not share my personal, moral or spiritual values, not only did some of them not share them they lacked their own. This can cause problems when it comes down to how they handle certain situations and how they treat people.
I took a few days to reflect on things and pray. I asked God to continue guiding me in the areas of my life that I’ve been working on: weight loss and career to name a couple. I also asked God to reveal and remove any people that were not right for my life and the direction that I am headed, which is up.  I “disconnected” for a few days and in those few days the conduct of one person in particular was very troubling to my spirit.  I prayed about it and the answer that I received was the people who are supposed to stay in your life will be known to you and those that are not supposed to be in your life will be removed. That happened quicker than I thought. Within a matter of days a certain person’s true nature was revealed and what I perceived to have been a friendship quickly deteriorated and revealed its true nature through a series of emails and voice messages I received. Both sets of messages were very mercurial in nature and frequently switched between anger and apology. Needless to say this caused me great concern and I had only one option, dissolve the friendship. I didn’t even have to think twice about it and have no reservations about it and immediately felt calm in my spirit afterwards.  I also thought back to the message I received and I feel that perhaps I was being removed from that person’s life as well.

This posting will be the only one that I refer to this particular instance as I am taking the advice of the ever fabulous, always insightful Marshawn Evans and “Releasing forever what God has already removed”. Last night Marshawn's twitter feed was like a direct message for me (although I'm sure many others gained needful insight from it as well).  She specifically spoke about what she refers to as Unseasonal People. These are people who are in your life for a particular purpose, whose time is up!  She spoke about the struggles of releasing people and things that are no longer serving positive purposes in your life and that we are responsible for whose words we allow to take root in our life. I was immediately taken back to the words of one of my friend's mother who always says, "Thoughts are things, words have power. When you allow someone to speak things to you they bring certain things in your life and those things aren't always good". 

If you are constantly listening to someones negative statements, the vitriol they spew about others and just the general disappointment and unhappiness they have in their lives, you have to take ownership for continuing to allow that person space in your life. You have to take the responsibility and show them the door out of your life.  It’s easier said than done for some but as my Grandmother would say “what’s necessary baby, ain’t always what’s easy”. This was necessary and now it’s done and I’m moving on.  I’m ever thankful for all the blessings I receive, for my loving family and faithful friends.  If you have someone in your life that you know is no longer serving a purpose for good, it's time to wish them well and move ahead without them.
