I started out this morning like I would any other - grab my blackberry, check twitter, check emails, brush teeth, hair and get dressed. Nothing going on so I proceed with business as usual. I hear the text message notification on my phone. Oh no Breaking News! Not just any news but Saints news! Before I even open the message I know it's not going to be good. I proceed with caution and open the message and there it is in digital black & white. Sean Payton suspended for a year, Mickey Loomis for 8 games and the worst is not over because the players involved haven't been penalized.
I know this may seem a bit dramatic but it's the God's honest truth. My heart started beating extremely fast and I thought I was going to pass out. To say I'm obsessed with the New Orleans Saints is an understatement. That is my hometown team and I adore them. I cheered for them when they lose and I cheer for them when they win (preferring the latter to the former of course). I am still in shock and have yet to read the full report but I'm sure that will be my bedtime reading instead of the usual novel.
I know that Commissioner Goodell has vowed to put player safety above everything else but that in itself is a joke. Football is one of the most brutal contact sports there is. Grown men are played to rough each other up and he heads the league so if player safety is his main concern why would he be working in the NFL at all? The Saints bounty scandal didn't shock or surprise me in fact I thought it was a great idea. In nearly every field of employment performance is incentivized and I don't think sports is any different. Players who perform well on the field receive the best contracts, largest endorsements, etc. Why are sack stats kept and records given out if safety is paramount? Because it's not. Roger Goodell is a fucking joke!
The solution he proposes it to have teams certify in writing they are not running bounties? Get the fuck outta here! You are going to let offenders police themselves?! It makes no sense. I understand they need to make and example but I'm sure the Saints aren't the only team that had a bounty in place and other players on other teams have indicated this as well.
I guess I'm just so emotionally connected to New Orleans and the Saints that I feel strongly about this but I just can't wrap my head around how severe this punishment seems for a an offense - and I use that term loosely - that is seemingly happening throughout the league. The league should set and example instead of making one out of the Saints.
That's all I have to say for now. I need a Valium!