Michael took pictures of her immediately; he’s pretty excited to be a dad. She’s in the NICU at Long Beach memorial and we can’t go see her for a while but Michael and Deanna are going to take pictures of her each day and I’ll try to update my blog regularly to keep people informed
Deanna has not been able to see her yet even though the NICU is only yards away from her room. Mother and daughter are so close but yet so far from one another. Deanna’s blood pressure is still pretty high and the doctors took her off her Magnesium today and hopefully her pressure will be down tomorrow so she can go meet the person that occupied her womb for these many months.
I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as I have in the last few days. I was so worried about Maddy and Deanna. I’ve been in constant prayer for my sister and niece and I know that they will both be fine. My thoughts went back to last year when my friend Jacki’s grandson Nevan was born. He was a preemie too and under a pound but he’s doing fine. We refer to Nevan as our miracle baby around Belkin and I kept Deanna updated with his progress and she often asked about him.
I was thinking about Nevan as Maddy lay in the NICU with her masks on her eyes and tubes running here and there. I sent Jacki an email telling her what was going on and asked her to pray for Maddy and Deanna and this is the response she sent me. She went through so much when Nevan was born and I knew she’d understand what we were going through. This was her response:
From: JK
Subject: RE: From Danibelle
Awww….little peanut! How early was Madison?
Not only was Nevan early, but Ashley was a preemie as well. While it is a very difficult time for your sister, know that preemies are little fighters and I truly think God gives us these little angels to remind us that he has a plan for all of us. Even though it may seem hopeless, tell your sister to never give up hope. I believe that is what helped Nevan….our absolute belief that he would be fine, and he is.
Thanks for sharing Madison with me….she will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Please also continue to keep me posted on her progress!
Love you and miss you :(
Maddy is doing well and your prayers are truly appreciated. She will be home in no time and her cousins can't wait to meet her. Dezon and Loren have already claimed her as their baby. P.S. I'm already planning her 1st birthday party!!
Awww….little peanut! How early was Madison?
Not only was Nevan early, but Ashley was a preemie as well. While it is a very difficult time for your sister, know that preemies are little fighters and I truly think God gives us these little angels to remind us that he has a plan for all of us. Even though it may seem hopeless, tell your sister to never give up hope. I believe that is what helped Nevan….our absolute belief that he would be fine, and he is.
Thanks for sharing Madison with me….she will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Please also continue to keep me posted on her progress!
Love you and miss you :(
Maddy is doing well and your prayers are truly appreciated. She will be home in no time and her cousins can't wait to meet her. Dezon and Loren have already claimed her as their baby. P.S. I'm already planning her 1st birthday party!!
Here are a few pics of Maddy courtesy of her Daddy.