AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH, sometimes I just have to scream!!!!Last week started on a high note and ended on an extremely low one. Well
Jasmyne (aka Jazzy - my cousin who's more like my sister) graduated from high school. Family and friends gathered together on Wednesday, June 10
th to celebrate. We started off with
hors d'oeuvres at our house and then headed to the graduation which started at 2pm. We were worried that Stanley wasn't going to make it in time to see his only daughter walk across the stage. The reason he was late was because that crazy ass aunt of ours -
Doretha - who always has to be the center of attention, said she wasn't feeling well and at the last minute called Stanley to pick her up. We were all pissed, her blatant disregard for people's time and feelings was once again center stage and as usual she didn't give a fuck. She said she took a pill that made her feel much better. BULLSHIT!! How do you go from "I need to go to the emergency room because I'm in so much pain" to "I took a pill and now I feel much better"? She wanted
everyones attention to be on her but fuck her it was
Jasmyne's day. So we did like we normally do and didn't acknowledge that she had even mentioned she was sick and went on about our business.
The graduation was fabulous.
Jasmyne received so many honors medals that she looked like Michael Phelps with all of them around her neck.
LOL. When they called her name our section of twenty something people went crazy, yelling, screaming, cheering, noise blowers went off and the family of the poor kid who was called next couldn't hear their name. By the way, we're sorry, whoever you are. After all the picture taking and crying we headed to El
Torito's for her favorite meal...Mexican food. We had a wonderful time and the custom menus had her picture on them. Everything was great. I just hope I am emotionally stable enough to deal with her going to New Orleans for college in August.
Flash to Thursday....Robin (Young) Dunn, crazy Robin we've known since we were kids who happened to just have a baby the week before was on life support, there were major complications when she gave birth and things seemed to go from bad to worse for her. Everyone we knew had been praying for her and her family. My thoughts went back to a few weeks before she gave birth to her son. She came over when we had a barbecue for Jazzy and she came over, even though she was on bed rest. She said she just needed to get out of the house, she picked up to barbecue dinners and some of
Decia's famous banana pudding. We sat and talked with her for a while and she was obviously ready to have that baby and she went on in the conversation to say..."I don't see June in my future". She meant she didn't think the baby would come in June but earlier, but he did come in June and my dear sweet Robin, who had so many kind words for me when my Granny passed is now in heaven with her. On Friday evening, June 12, 2009 Robin Dunn wife and new mother passed away, leaving a loving
husband and newborn son, family and friends behind. We had all prayed that she would make it
through but none of us know what God has in store for us. I was in the
Cerritos Mall with my friend Monica when my phone rang and my sister told me the news I also had a text from Sabrina telling me she had passed. I was speechless.
Robin was one of the most loving and thoughtful people you ever met. She was so bubbly and her face always lit up a room, she could make you smile when you wanted to cry. She was a beautiful woman inside and out. I remember last September there was a brunch at our church and Robin was in charge of Women's Day activities..including the lunch. They couldn't find anyone to cook the food and Sabrina volunteered me. I was pissed off and didn't want to do it because my friends and I were supposed to leave for Palm Springs the day before the lunch and return on Sunday - the day after the lunch. Sabrina talked me into it and I rescheduled my plans for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only. 1. Sabrina asked me to do it and 2. it was for Robin that's a combination you can't say no to. My feet were aching, I was tired and instead of 3 days in Palm
Springs I was only going to spend 1 but I did it anyway and Robin and I went through so much just getting the budget approved that I was ready to throw in the towel and say fuck it! She said we are going to get you the money you need for the event and that's that. It turned out wonderfully. Everyone enjoyed the food and Robin was a star for selecting such a great caterer - my
fam helped too as they always do. Robin Dunn was a selfless person who put others before herself - in death as in life. Her life for her child's life, a true sacrifice. You can see how beautiful she is in this picture.
Robin you are loved and you will be missed! Arrivederci